Hi all
Add me to your G+
here is my G+
or give me your and I'll add you
If you would like to shorten your user Number to your name go to gplus.to
just copy your Google ID in the filed and pick a name.
Your G+ is about to get spammed like crazy!
I dunno, why would anyone want to do this or even why join google+, just curious, seriously.
No thanks, but I did add you to my G-.
Added you earlier as soon as I saw you were on G+
For me, it has to do with being so much cleaner to operate. The privacy settings are easy to navigate and it's not loaded with Mafia Wars and Farmville and a million other freaking apps you have to go in and block because someone is buying animals every five minutes or whatever.
I'm not sure where it's going, but it has become an incredible hang out for photographers (including Island Dog) and I enjoy browsing through it so much more than I do FB.
G+ I do believe, don't work like that it would just say so and so added you to their circle and none of their comments will show up on mine unless I add them back and Vise visa
hit the nail on the head their
What's Google+?
I reiterate ..... what Google+?
It looks like a Facebook knockoff by Google.... without the game apps.
Don't you two have some grubs to dig up somewhere.
ha ha so Facebook would be a cheap Knockoff of Myspace
A+ none of those Spy ridden Game craps oops apps
it's a fun place where fun people go ... without all the bullshit on one's stream like Facebook
you know you could just get yourself an throw away G-mail then sign up on G+ see how it is and if you like it then make a real account..
97.4% better then Myspace and 98.7% better then Facebook..
are there rides, can you buy a hot dog, can you find a cozy place and smooch with your honey, what's the admission charge, is it like disneyland or magic mountain, can I people watch (one of my favorites) or anything else that doesn't require me to sit in front of a computer?
I'll go along with this and assume that your a fun person to be with, but oh wait, I wouldn't actually be with you, would I.
anyhow, did you know that I'm a chick magnet because I drink miller lite.
sorry DC, I couldn't resist, I'm just being my fun self.
*insert never ending laughter here...
lol omg i love the book of zu.
gets a giggle out of me every time!!!
as much as I hate to admit it, me too.